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Real eyes
Real lies

Painful Battle Heroes: No. 1

13 2,904 jour, 22:47 Published in India India Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

There are two things that pissed me off this week, one was the cliff hanger at at the end of this week's Doctor Who Episode (The Zygon Invasion), the other was this:

I have a very low en savoir plus »

25 Comment Mission!

14 2,904 jour, 01:32 Published in India India Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Thanks to Plato, India seems to be in a bit of a mess, with over 1500 friend requests to accept and a hell of a lot going on in the both e and real worlds I thought I'd take the opportunity to go for the 25 comment mission thats been sitting around

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Well.. this is chaotic: VOTE, SUB, ENDORSE!!!

3 2,899 jour, 01:22 Published in India India Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hey guys out there. Seems like something's going on --> vote and sub for whateva reason 😉

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One month back in action! {Congress presentation}

7 2,895 jour, 19:44 Published in India India Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Today celebrates my one month after my return to eRupublik after a long hiatus![/en savoir plus »


11 2,894 jour, 22:26 Published in India India Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

In my last article, Time, I outlined the (widely) accepted Physical/Scientific explanation for the origins and demise of the universe. The article was written in response to

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