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George Griffin: Democratic Republican Leader

7 838 jour, 18:58 Published in USA USA

Welcome and read up!

Here is a song to read with:

I am George Griffin and I am running for Party President of the Democratic Republicans! And this is why...

I am running for many … en savoir plus »

Democratic Republican University

0 837 jour, 12:51 Published in USA USA


It has been my great pleasure opening a new resort for the DemReps (Democratic Republicans). I begun my work efforts on opening the DRU (Democratic Republican University). This is a great learning chance for new players and old … en savoir plus »

GG: Future Goals And Plans

3 833 jour, 14:54 Published in USA USA

I am writing a article on what I hope to be doing in the future. I will be doing this is a order so it is not random and scattered. This will show you what I want to do first and than move onto.

[img][/img] … en savoir plus »

George Griffin: Hard To Say

6 829 jour, 16:03 Published in USA USA

Another election is the past. Another month to wait. It's part of the game we play. You win some, lose alot.

This is not much of a article folks... Not much to express on tonight. I don't think the realization that I lost has kicked in yet. … en savoir plus »

Proven Leadership For DC

3 823 jour, 13:18 Published in USA USA

This article, I will bound my self to time consuming efforts to my chance of office in DC. I proceed to show that I am ready to take over leadership here in Washington. I will do what ever it takes to show all citizens that I can take the role as

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