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It's called FP Factory for a reason, duh!
If you report my article, that means I'm doing my job right.

Economic Analyzes

11 1,287 jour, 12:04 Published in Serbia Serbia Affaires et finance Affaires et finance


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Назад у каФез!/Back in the cage!

6 1,277 jour, 11:28 Published in Serbia Serbia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

PS: Bulgarians, relax. It's just for fun 😉


And of … en savoir plus »


6 1,276 jour, 11:32 Published in Serbia Serbia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Isaile, you search in vane 😛

[Zoom in]

Second "Best" needs attention too!

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Trolls sleep early. I'm disappointed...

5 1,275 jour, 11:16 Published in Serbia Serbia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Due to my late publishing of the "aritlce", it got few votes and no trolls who would report me. This disappointed me greatly, but I understand. I would have publish it earlier, but the "restricion" lasted till 12:08 eRep time.


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Finnaly! My ban has been lifted!

11 1,274 jour, 12:11 Published in Serbia Serbia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Yes, this is exactly how it happen. Disprove me. If you can...

Seriously thou. New module looks awesome. But it doesn't works as good as it looks. Keep it up, you'll get there.

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