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CP Election

7 3,423 jour, 16:56 Published in Canada Canada Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Tomorrow I present myself has e Canadian President. I don’t have much more to offer then new blood. I never done this before. I will present a full experienced staff to back me up with Klop123 moving to foreign affair, Excalted druid will be Prime

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Seems like no one is interesrted

9 3,419 jour, 19:19 Published in Canada Canada Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I will be candidate for the next eCanada prime minister election. I am not pretending that I will do better than TemujinBC or any others before. I will just try my best. I never been in that seat before. I have been told this is not a very easy task

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CP Electoral campaign

2 3,419 jour, 14:45 Published in Canada Canada Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Do you think that if a party was strong enough, it could make a difference in the game?
The war strategy, the economic module, the alliance. If a party was strong enough to have a president elected, from them support, by listening to them,

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Active winning Military Unit

2 3,417 jour, 18:49 Published in Canada Canada Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

You should join the Praetors MU. We are a small team with elite players but we need some more. Nothing to gain every day or every weeks. We do not provide any supply.
Just the fact that we always finish in the best 3 MU. We would have some more

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New event

2 3,416 jour, 17:21 Published in Canada Canada Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Who will be able to get 40 000 prestige points in a week without spending a lot of money to get a medal. One more on their wall. I am tempted by it and in the same time I go against it because to me, this is way too much. The truth is I could

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