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An Official Newspaper of the eAustralian Government

Dropbears and ACUK Applications Open (June), Final Call for Boot Camp

4 577 jour, 18:06 Published in Australia Australia

Dropbears and ACUK Applications

Well as promised.

Applications are now OPEN for people who wish to see if they qualify for the Dropbears or ACUK for the June intake round.

To briefly recap:

Dropbears Eligibility en savoir plus »


23 574 jour, 02:27 Published in Australia Australia

Hello potential recuit.

The eAustralian Government has decided to run a trial Training 'Boot' Camp for 20 people over the next month (10 per fortnight). Applications for the first intake of recruits is NOW OPEN.

What are the

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eAus Military: How to be a part of it?

17 573 jour, 02:06 Published in Australia Australia

Good Evening

There has been some discussion around how the Dropbears and Australian Commando Unit - Koalas (ACUK) are recruited. So, this article details how it works, and how you can apply to be a member of our elite fighting forces if you

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Your Dropbears and ACUK

18 570 jour, 20:20 Published in Australia Australia

Following recent squad commander elections, below is the current soldiers and squads that comprise the cream of your fighting forces.

ACAR rosters are being updated and will also be available soon.

Thanks for your recent efforts in the

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Tasmania: Welcome Home.

23 570 jour, 04:08 Published in Australia Australia

Good evening

I write to advise that thanks to the successful diplomatic efforts of the eAustralian Governement, Patti11 (former Prime Minister) who commenced the war with the support of the Government, the Dropbears, ACUK and ACAR who moved and

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