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AS in Norvegia - Day After

23 2,571 jour, 15:30 Published in Italy Italy Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Salve a tutti, torno a scrivere sul mio giornale, visto che non lo facevo da tempo.

Credo che molti abbiano visto che per una volta l'Italia è stata tutta unità e i nostri sforzi sono stati ripagati, infatti questa volta l'AS è andato a segno.

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Chile vs Serbia

25 2,532 jour, 15:44 Published in Italy Italy Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Before :

Serbia behind the Chilean ass !!

Serbia attack Chile....

After :


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Fight for Colombia

4 2,530 jour, 14:24 Published in Chile Chile Consignes de combat Consignes de combat savoir plus »

#D2forEPIC @Rizon - Let's do it

2 2,530 jour, 07:18 Published in Italy Italy Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Here is the original article published on English in this link but i will publish it here too 🙂

To all D2 players around the eWorld,

I have created a movement to

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Erepublik Day 2516 Epic Battle Ukraine - Hungary Central Hungary

43 2,517 jour, 15:32 Published in Greece Greece Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Epic battle on day 2516 :

GaMa in Action

Youtube Video
(Copy and paste)

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