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[BPD] Multis, a big threat for eAustria!

12 890 jour, 13:14 Published in Austria Austria

Please don't discuss my ban here, if you want to do so do it at my article, but this
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[BPD] Donate 100g to Russia!? (congress)

2 888 jour, 07:42 Published in Austria Austria

Deutsche Übersetzung
Dear congress member!

DONT vote yet, wait until the MPP proposal is over. If the MPP goes through, vote NO on my proposal, if it is rejected vote YES

Some days ago,
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[BPD] eAustrian Chatroom - Join us NOW!

9 883 jour, 12:25 Published in Austria Austria

English Translation">

Internet Relay Chat, kurz IRC, bezeichnet ein rein textbasiertes Chat-System. Es ermöen savoir plus »

[BPD] Day 880 / Tag 880

4 880 jour, 08:35 Published in Austria Austria

Für die deutsche Version klickt hier.


Introduction: New Minister of Health
Army: Beginners guide on how to fight
Foreign Affaris: en savoir plus »

[BPD] Summary of the latest successes

10 879 jour, 05:13 Published in Austria Austria

Deutsche Übersetzung

Good news, eAustria!

As you will have noticed by now, the last few days brought the success you all have been waiting for and the government has been fighting for the last few days and weeks.
I'm … en savoir plus »