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Joining the Constitution-Workgroup

0 598 jour, 12:30 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

As told in the government-program, the constitution needs to be (partly) rewritten.

"The constitution and all official rules and laws need to be translated to Dutch and French as well. Therefore, French will be recognized as a national language

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Home Affairs during June

3 587 jour, 07:55 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

The government is 'demissionair' now, so they won't make big and new decisions and only the regular tasks are done. This will last until the new government is installed.

This month we had some difficulties in this country. Home Affairs lost it's

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Changes to Home Affairs

4 566 jour, 15:14 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear citizens,

On Monday 8 June we could read in the media that Belgian Party has left the government.
Earlier that day Frerk, the Minister of Home Affairs, decided to quit his job after a lot of commotion.

An official government message will

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De regering

8 469 jour, 11:36 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Beste spelers,

zoals u al had kunnen lezen in het regeerakkoord is de regering qua staatssecretarissen met 2 verminderd. Helaas zijn er in eNederland helaas niet genoeg spelers die voldoende tijd in een regeringsjob kunnen steken.


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3 469 jour, 11:22 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Geachte burgers van eNederland,

Na een paar uitvoerige gesprekken met de vier coalitiepartijen: LN, I&W, NH en DTS, zijn we uitkomen op de volgende samenstelling van de regering, waar alle deelnemende partij achter stonden. Door het geringe

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