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From the desk of the CP

eCSFR Markets - Day 1374

8 1,374 jour, 11:03 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Affaires et finance Affaires et finance


As I mentioned previously I love business and especially in eRep.

So here's something I've been working on the past few weeks, still needs alot of tweaking and playing and eventually I can get it to do alot more.


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Welcome to an Englishman in CSFR

12 1,373 jour, 14:48 Published in Slovakia Slovakia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Evening All,

Well first off my thanks for taking the time to read this.

For the many that dont know me, I am BaskB a RL Brit but here I reside in eCSFR.

As our president so kindly put it earlier [url=

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