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[Ambassador in eSlovenia] Interview with 0rinda

15 1,530 jour, 17:53 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello dear readers.

In this article I have the honor to speak with one of the MOFA team in eSlovenia. Ladies and gentlemen i'm presenting to you 0rinda.

So let's start.


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[Ambassador in eSlovenia] Congress elections

6 1,529 jour, 14:36 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello dear friends.

In this article i will talk about congress elections in eSlovenia.

So let's start.

Region: Deutschschweiz
Winners: 0rinda 8 votes, p0luks 7 votes and the horrorist 6 votes
Party: Narodna

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[Ambassador in eSlovenia] Presidential elections

20 1,510 jour, 06:20 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


Hello Slovenians and Macedonians.

This will be an article with presidential elections in Slovenian and interview with the president Colonel Bruce. The result of the elections

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My Hometown

37 1,507 jour, 11:10 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello dear Slovenians.

As most know this is my second term as ambassador in this beautiful country.

A few days ago I got citizenship in Slovenia and for this I want to especially thank to [url=

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[Амбасадор во еСловенија] Конгресменски избори

4 1,497 jour, 07:45 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Поздрав Македонци.

Во мојата прва статија од новиот мандат како амбасадор во Словенија ке ве известам за конгресменските избори во гореспоменатата земја.

На овие избори кандидатите имаа д … en savoir plus »