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Newspaper analyzing the New World, politics, virtual existence, philosophy and marmosets!

Recalled to Service...

40 1,118 jour, 11:32 Published in Finland Finland

Music to set the mood:
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Erwin Schauman Kicks the Bucket! National Holiday Declared!

41 1,027 jour, 10:37 Published in Finland Finland

Yes, it's time for me to hit the old dusty trail, back my bags, clean my desk, kick the virtual bucket, whamoosh, join the choir invisible, cease my metabolic processes, push up the daisies, run down the curtain and shuffle off my mortal coil!

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No More Monkey Business!

31 995 jour, 04:21 Published in Finland Finland

As we all know, the eRepublik Labs is currently fighting a desperate battle against hackers and cheaters in order to restore its image as a competent service provider. Well, en savoir plus »

Erepublik D-1000 - The Movie Trailer!!!

5 993 jour, 10:18 Published in USA USA


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Charting the Course - Part II

12 993 jour, 01:54 Published in Romania Romania

Greetings fellow players and your multies,

Even the blind and mentally challenged have finally noticed the inherent flaws of eRepublik. The question remains, have the admins...?

In this article I give my opinion of
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