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Newspaper for the Irish Department of Defence

IDF Orders Day 1035

7 1,035 jour, 19:07 Published in Ireland Ireland

As I was going over
The Cork and Kerry Mountains.
I heard the sound of battle
Coming from Northern Ireland.

I first produced my pistol
and then produced my rapier.
I said have at them lads
To the Devil we will send them.

Soldiers of

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Soldiers of Ireland

11 1,035 jour, 17:17 Published in Ireland Ireland

This goes out to all the soldiers of Ireland. IDF, ICA, citizens, allies and all lovers of freedom.
You know what it coming. You have been reading the press. Get ready. The call could come at any time. We will free Northern Ireland.


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IDF Orders Day 1029

7 1,029 jour, 14:44 Published in Ireland Ireland

All IDF soldiers are ordered to fight for our ally Australia. Currently there are two battles open verses Indonesia.

Queensland and Victoria

This is an all divisions order, all soldiers are to report to for

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IDF orders Day 1028

6 1,028 jour, 17:26 Published in Ireland Ireland

All IDF soldiers are ordered to fight for the United Sates. Portugal attacked the State of Georgia three hours ago.

This is an all divisions order, all soldiers are to report to for weapons.

Then proceed to

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DoD Update Day 1025

7 1,025 jour, 16:18 Published in Ireland Ireland

Soldiers of the IDF and all of Ireland,

Recent events have left the government and the military in an unorganized state. The hand over of organization passwords and control of state assets did not go as planned as we all know so things have been

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