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Official Newspaper of DWARF HQ

Sincere thanks to all

40 5,936 jour, 11:15 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

Greetings to all readers.

DWARF and all DWARF members thanks very much to everyone who helped us in our war effort last week. We are all very grateful and the support we received was heartfelt. Thank you all! It will not be forgotten.


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Recent events regarding DWARF and Asteria/Hydra relationship

28 5,755 jour, 11:03 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello everyone!

Two months ago, Asteria and Hydra on one side, and DWARF on the other side, had reached an agreement known as the Peace in the Middle East.

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[DWARF] Welcome Saudi-Arabia !

26 5,271 jour, 10:38 Published in Cyprus Cyprus Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Greetings everyone

Today DWARF has a big announcement to make ! We have a new member, Saudi-Arabia.

Even if our members worked closely with Saudi-Arabia in the past months, what really pushed their decision was Iran invading them. … en savoir plus »