Taust sees/väljas
Region conquered

Tirana was conquered by Serbia in the war versus Albaania
Päev 6,025, 03:05 (12 päeva tagasi)

Region under attack

Serbia attacked Tirana, Albaania
Päev 6,024, 06:54 (13 päeva tagasi)

Region under attack

Albaania attacked Central Montenegro, Serbia
Päev 6,023, 12:02 (14 päeva tagasi)

Natural enemy declared

Albaania has declared Serbia as a Natural Enemy
Päev 6,022, 00:30 (15 päeva tagasi)

Propose natural enemy

Serbia has been proposed as Natural Enemy.
Päev 6,021, 00:25 (16 päeva tagasi)

Region conquered

Tirana was conquered by Serbia in the war versus Albaania
Päev 6,018, 02:28 (19 päeva tagasi)

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