Taust sees/väljas
Region under attack

Poola attacked Guangxi, Hiina
Päev 6,021, 23:46 (26 minutit tagasi)

Region under attack

Poola attacked Castilla La Mancha, Hispaania
Päev 6,021, 23:44 (28 minutit tagasi)

Region under attack

Poola attacked Vestlandet, Norra
Päev 6,021, 23:29 (43 minutit tagasi)

Resistance war started

A resistance has started in Northern Bohemia
Päev 6,021, 23:22 (50 minutit tagasi)

Region under attack

Eesti attacked Kesk-Eesti, Poola
Päev 6,021, 22:40 (üks tund tagasi)

Region under attack

Saksamaa attacked Brandenburg and Berlin, Poola
Päev 6,021, 22:36 (üks tund tagasi)

Region under attack

Poola attacked Prince Edward Island, Kanada
Päev 6,021, 21:27 (2 tundi tagasi)

Region under attack

Egiptus attacked Western Desert, Poola
Päev 6,021, 20:29 (3 tundi tagasi)

Region secured

Hainan was secured by Poola in the war versus Hiina
Päev 6,021, 19:45 (4 tundi tagasi)

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