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[Amendent]Contract for eChinese Nation-owned Organizations国家组织合同草案改后稿

12 Día 651, 07:43 Publicado en China China

Amendment (11:11,Sep02,Day652)

e 中国国家组织合同 ( 中文版 )
Contract for eChinese Nation-owned Organizations(Chinese Version)

这份文件是一份具有约束力 的合同 , 在任何 e 中国国家拥有的组织 ( 下简称 “组织 Organization ” ) 的所有者们 [

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[MOFA]List of current staff of MOFA 外交人员名单 及随感

25 Día 650, 13:27 Publicado en China China

Updated in day 669 Sep 19
In last two days recruitment, many citizen contact me and show their great passion on our eChina. As Minister of Foreign Affairs, I want to show my warmly welcome to you all!

Here is current staff list of leer más »

[MOFA]Ministry of Foreign Affairs Recruiting Staff 外交部招募

22 Día 648, 05:13 Publicado en China China

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of eChina Recruiting Staff

eChina 外交部 招聘启事

As Minister of Foreign Affairs of eChina, I want to set up a team working on Foreign Affairs for eChina.
While eChina's population growing rapidly, the eWorld knows … leer más »

Great Victory! Congress Election! 国会选举胜利!

36 Día 645, 00:08 Publicado en China China

Great Victory! Congress Election! 国会选举 再次胜利!

We successfully hold the majority of Congress again,
我们再次获得 国会选举的胜利! 国人 继续 掌握国会多数席位。

Thank you every candidates. Whatever you were elected or not, you are our heroes!
感谢每一位 参加选举的 候选人,无论 你们 当选与否,你们

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Vote for Congress! 国会选举 开工啦

17 Día 644, 00:03 Publicado en China China

I call on every eChina citizen vote for below reliable persons and my friends.
我号召大家 为以下值得信赖 的人 以及 我的朋友们 投票


重庆(Chongqing) CDP restartrr

甘肃(Gansu) PRP ASTERISM jiqimaoNO2

贵州(Guizhou) PRP mawiller

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