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PRP制度建设第一步:党员请进行党员登记 PRP Party Member Registration here!

9 Día 707, 03:16 Publicado en China China

在国家论坛中,有各个党派的专属议事论坛。政府各部门、国会都在该论坛有专门的议事版 面。


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恭喜各位当选议员 Congratulations to all elected Congressman!

2 Día 706, 03:15 Publicado en China China

北京 dawenxi Zhou San 获得两席
山东 uynlocnil 获得一席 丢失一席
河南 丢失两席
湖北 jesunwang 获得一席 丢失一席
湖南 wangxiaoyaII haidily 获得两席
云南 tonystm 获得一席 丢失一席
贵州 kaycloud 获得一席
四川 Alexandrey 获得一席

Congratulations to those elected PRP Congressman
1 Beijing dawenxi

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Vote for PRP Official Candidates 为PRP正式候选人投票

6 Día 704, 01:32 Publicado en China China

首先恭喜 贵州选区 PRP候选人Kaycloud和酱油党候选人 jasonfung 0票当选
湖北选区 PRP侯选人jesunwang和老外党候选人 Zhuge Liang 0票当选
Congratulations to Kaycoud from PRP and jasonfung from Soy Sauce elected in Guizhou.
Congratulations to jesunwang from PRP and Zhuge Liang

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PRP党内报名初选 PRP Congress Candidates Enroll

4 Día 699, 22:39 Publicado en China China

国会选举即将到来,现在PRP 党内报名 初选开始。
The Congress Election is coming.
Party members who want to run for Congress please enroll first.
20-22日 党内报名 20th-22nd Enroll
23日 党内初选 23rd Primary Chosen in Party

登记地址 Enroll in Nation Forum , [url=

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祝贺新Q5 医院落成 Congratulations to Q5 Hospital in Shanghai!

31 Día 690, 22:57 Publicado en China China

eChina has her second Q5 hospital today!
This hospital was build by new eChina people.
It shows eChina has come into an new age.
Long live eChina people!
Long live eChina!
http://www2.leer más »