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The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin

Aeroner Wants You To Rava...Elect Him

6 Day 1,188, 11:43 Published in Israel Israel

That's right. You heard it here first. Probably because this is my newspaper. And you're reading it.

So thanks for reading it.

Um, right, OK, so, eIsrael is a military Junta, and I've been writing plenty articles explaining why the military

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The Military Junta and You

6 Day 1,183, 19:16 Published in Israel Israel

Hello again, Kids. It's time we talk about the "Military Junta and You"

Because remember, it's not what your military junta can do for you, it's how many of your virgin daughters you can give to your country.

Your supreme military overlords

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How To Survive In A Military Junta

17 Day 1,182, 18:26 Published in Israel Israel

Hello, kids. By now, you are probably wondering "Hey, what's a milita-militar-military junta?"

Well, I'll tell you. A military junta is a government ruled by a board of military directors. Sounds like a dictatorship, right?

Wrong. We'll kill

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New Banner Testing

6 Day 1,181, 07:35 Published in Israel Israel



[img][/img] … read more »

New Banner

11 Day 1,180, 22:42 Published in Israel Israel

Attention, faithful readers. And you unfaithful ones. Yeah, you. How could you?

Anyways, The Written Word has a new banner. Tell me if you like it. And if you think I could use some more page separaters and what not, make some and hit me up.


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