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The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin

Well this is awkward....

13 Day 673, 14:52 Published in Israel Israel

Today Israel, I lay myself bare in front of you. In all my naked glory. Figuratively of course.

First off, I am running for congress. Hip Hip hooray! Alright, time for cheering is over. Let's get down to business.

I've decided to follow the

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My first act as Party President

5 Day 666, 21:33 Published in Israel Israel

Hello everyone.

My first as PP of the Likud will be to change it's name to The Consolidation Party.In hebrew, likud means consolidation, so this is a pretty much the right choice. Many people do not like the current name because it's name is

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A Daunting Task Lies Ahead of Us

12 Day 662, 20:34 Published in Israel Israel

Hello Israel.

As many of you are aware, our companies were recently stolen from us from an unknown assailant.This person has not given himself up. Although accusations have been thrown around, namely at Sadeh Badeh, I truly do not believe that

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Presidential Candidacy

24 Day 647, 15:48 Published in Israel Israel

Hello Israel.

Well, times are a changin' as the old saying goes. Borders have changed, leaders have changed, and regions have traded hands left and right. One glance at the map can tell you everything you need to know about the status of the

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It's a bit late, I know

5 Day 646, 15:46 Published in Israel Israel

I'm sorry I am a bit late, and this is way over due. I'd like to thank all the people that voted for me for congress. I won't let you down.

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