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The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin

Consolidation Party Announcement

3 Day 705, 08:51 Published in Israel Israel

Attention consolidation Party members, we have 5 confirmed members that have enough votes. But many active members in the Consolidation Party have not gotten enough votes to become congressmen/woman.

Please, log on and vote.


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Consolidation Party Announcement

0 Day 699, 18:47 Published in Israel Israel

I would like to tell you all to sign up at

This is our official forums.

And the coalition forums:

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Israel: An Island in a sea of turmoil

26 Day 685, 14:01 Published in Israel Israel

If you're reading this, you've click an add for Israel. Congrats! Now you can learn all about Israel.

Israel was a small nation. For a long time it was under Turkish rule. But in the darkest of times, the eIsraelis never lost hope. They fought

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What does it mean to have success? It's the greatest feeling ever.

13 Day 681, 14:07 Published in Israel Israel


A simple word indeed. But this little word can have so many meanings. It can mean different things for different people. A military commander might view at crushing their enemies to a pulp, while a politician might view it as the most

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Thank you very much kind Sirs

2 Day 676, 20:28 Published in Israel Israel

Thank you very much for voting me to the very prestigious position of "Congressman"

I'll try to live up to what you expect of me.

And don't forget. Aeroner loves each and every one of you the same.

Well, not really. But I did get your hopes

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