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Retention Special: War Hawks, Socialites, Do-Nothings. Which Are You?

4 Day 832, 17:21 Published in USA USA

Why do people play the game?

This is the question that really lies at the foundation of everything eRepublik. eRep is a social simulator and a social simulator would be pretty lame without--well--a society. Because there is an implicit

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Lana Conspiracy Afoot, eUS Government Complicit

7 Day 832, 09:28 Published in USA USA

Everyone has to write at least one Lana article, right?

Actually, my concerns are serious (as serious as things can get in this GAME):

Lana, at her best, costs roughly 2 gold, right?

Wellness packs also got 2 gold. In an intense battle,

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Preliminary GM's Guide to v2

3 Day 829, 11:51 Published in USA USA

As quoted in the Admin Insider on Time Management:

"Let's have a closer look at the Company, the familiar place where you will work. A new gameplay improvement is that you will earn your salary according to the number of hours you work . Of

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Hospitals Only Healing 'War Wounds'

5 Day 829, 08:06 Published in USA USA

As a quick note, the fact that only war wounds can be healed will raise demand for high quality foods and houses in general. In v2, when houses will be collapsible, the read more »

v2 Will Fail in One Critical Way

3 Day 828, 13:12 Published in USA USA

I have suggested before that politics are going to be a lot more interesting in v2 because citizens' professions will play a part in whether a citizen favors either going to war or, more importantly, not going to war. This will be facilitated by &

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