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Tanking More Difficult in v2

1 Day 827, 17:40 Published in USA USA

I have covered some of the most apparent topics of the new v2: war, politics, and the economy.

The lack of information makes any real prediction difficult, but I summarize my above points as follows:

-Whether there will be more or less will

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eUSA's Policies Are Hurting Player Retention

5 Day 825, 09:52 Published in USA USA

While this newspaper is primarily dedicated to v2, I give myself the liberty to suggest an alternative course of action from the present state of affairs.

An overriding concern in eRep is player retention. Especially in the eUSA, politicians

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Less War in v2?

3 Day 824, 16:07 Published in USA USA

I cannot deduce at the moment whether there will be more wars or less. The answer to the question depends on whether there will be any profession for which it will be more beneficial NOT to go to war. The only way I can see this happening is,

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Collapsibility of v2 Houses Will Benefit eUSA

7 Day 824, 15:49 Published in USA USA

I had a really long and well thought out article but eRep failed me and didn't publish when I said for it to publish. I summarize in bullet-point form here:

1. The housing market in v1 can theoretically come to a permanent end if everyone buys

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V2 Will Increase Partisanship and Strength of Parties

6 Day 824, 09:22 Published in USA USA

In v2, we should expect to see renewed party strength and a resurgence---or I should say "blossoming"---of partisan politics.

I assess the situation as it is now: partisan politics is weak in eRep because there is little difference

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