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[EDEN] It's getting interesting

98 Day 918, 15:34 Published in Croatia Croatia

EDEN was there when China had to defend Jilin and Inner Mongolia. And you can bet on it, that EDEN will be there again in the future. We fight for our allies; no matter the costs, no matter the risks, we make sacrifices for those whom we call our read more »

[EDEN] An invitation to the people of eChina

283 Day 915, 17:20 Published in China China

Dear eChinese friends.

After many months of mutual friendship and battles fought together, time has come to see if we can take our friendship to a next level. We have been talking a lot about this, and a long time ago we agreed that read more »

[EDEN] We are still standing strong

79 Day 915, 11:47 Published in Romania Romania

The world war has been going a bit back and forth over time. But while our opponents seem to regard any single battle Phoenix wins as a major setback for EDEN, we stand ground where it matters. EDEN proves to be the strongest alliance still, and read more »

[EDEN] Without Phoenix, the game would be very boring

90 Day 913, 14:07 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria

After numerous attempts to arrange an interview, I can finally take a seat in a crowded cafe opposite a mysterious looking man dressed in a prominent way. We shake hands as I introduce myself to mihail.cazacu, the Intelligence leader of EDEN. read more »

[EDEN] Thank you, eSerbia!

330 Day 908, 04:31 Published in Serbia Serbia

While conventionally alliances are fighting against each other and countries fight to help their allies, this time EDEN is highly delighted to have Serbia's assistance in our campaign. There have been times when Serbia has caused a lot of grey read more »