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Happy to help!

2 Day 824, 23:12 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Hey eSwitzerland,

Ignore anything that Clifford Burns tells you. He's trying to mislead you.

You gonna fight in the Graubunden resistance war? Can't afford any failsafes like a Moving Ticket incase there is war between Italy and Switzerland?

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Those Were The Days of Our Lives

1 Day 818, 03:31 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Sometimes I get to feeling I was back in the old days, long ago
When we were kids when we were young
Things seemed so perfect, you know
The days were endless we were crazy we were young
The sun was always shining, we just lived for fun

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Buy admin-Brand Fail Today!

2 Day 808, 11:37 Published in Australia Australia


Buy admin-Brand fail!
Ruins stuff that's already good!
Makes houses self-destruct!
Makes up random titles like Master Builder!
Creates Libraries everywhere!
Invents a hustler called Lana!
Makes you spend money on building walls

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[CH] Buy admin-Brand Fail Today!

1 Day 808, 11:34 Published in Switzerland Switzerland


Buy admin-Brand fail!
Ruins stuff that's already good!
Makes houses self-destruct!
Makes up random titles like Master Builder!
Creates Libraries everywhere!
Invents a hustler called Lana!
Makes you spend money on building walls

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[CH] Bedtime Stories

7 Day 801, 13:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

The Quisling and the Slug

Once there was a person called Clifford Burns. He was nice and many liked him. But then the big fat slug came and asked Clifford to marry it and Clifford said yes. Clifford became hated by the Swiss. He stole from them

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