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Lottery for the Swiss Resistance

11 Day 835, 23:35 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Help the Resistance! Earn easy money! Thats what you get from a lottery!

It costs 1 CHF per ticket. Tickets are not limited to any number.
If your ticket is picked (by you will win 75% of the money put in by EVERYONE!
The other 25%

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[USA] Who wants to take over Mexico?

3 Day 834, 12:28 Published in USA USA

No-one with a brain! Why waste so much GOLD when you have high oil in Alaska and there are no other high raw materials there? For fun? why don't you do something productive, like invade somewhere where you GAIN something?

Vote and sub.

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Did you know?

6 Day 833, 23:38 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Did you know? admin's not smart. Or he's blind. Because he can't see that WE DON'T LIKE THE NEW MODULE! If we want to invest 20 GOLD in a company for raws, WE WILL, so don't force us to! Perhaps the only good thing is that we can dissolve companys.

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admin's Going Too Far...

10 Day 831, 12:05 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Lana pissed us all off.
The new economic module was a kick below the belt.
But the hospital idea was pure evil.

Nice idea, actually. They make us spend more on Lana first. Then they make us spend more because we need to buy gifts or wellness

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18 Day 828, 10:29 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Vote and Subscribe, and post your sub number. I will generate a random number from 1 - 1000 on this generator:

Whoever's sub number is generated, they will win 6 GOLD!
So get voting! Prizes will be drawn once I

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