Ambient on/off


65 Day 2,033, 02:12 Published in Japan Japan Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Nice way to make our community stronger!

Way to go, guys!

I'm terribly sorry because we are not some Scandinavian nation.


Of course,

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eSerbian PTO?

55 Day 2,025, 02:11 Published in Japan Japan Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Ladies and gentleman,

Pics doesn't lie...

Hint: The best defense is a good offense (Sun Tzu)


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46 Day 1,974, 01:18 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Ladies and gentleman,

I don't know even from where to start.

I'm very disappointed in you. Not all of you, but there are few members of our community which are not even trying to do anything except trolling...

Last example:

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Maloj Ljubici je potrebna vasa pomoc [SRB/EN]

48 Day 1,967, 05:14 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

English version is bellow:

Ljubica Adamić (2) iz Sremske Mitrovice čeka u bolnici u Beču da njen otac nabavi 80.000 evra za presađivanje srca. Bez tog novca mala devojčica neće preživeti


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It's time

56 Day 1,959, 12:26 Published in Japan Japan Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Ladies and gentleman,

I never liked those things. But, seems that this is something that i must to do. There are many reasons for this article, but i can recall only one. Friends.

I'm playing this game for a long time already. Too long. There

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