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Greatness with a side of sexy


10 Day 661, 06:43 Published in USA USA

Alright. eMerica. It was a bad day yesterday... Disorder within the rankes of our noobs can easily be blamed and more than 100,000 damage was wasted in battle against Colombia. COLOMBIA?! wtf. With that damage we could have won Illinois, CT,

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The Case for Ireland to Join Fortis/Eden!!

90 Day 657, 06:34 Published in Ireland Ireland

Ireland! Greetings, brothers from across the pond!
I write this article to make a case for Ireland to join F/E (or simply help them) in the ongoing and epic power struggle between PEACE GC and F/E.

I, Turd Fergusen (it’s a funny name) am a

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Giving Away 10 Q1 Guns!

8 Day 650, 09:38 Published in USA USA

The US military was nice enough to load me up with enough guns to go komakazie in Cali. Now I'm depleted and can't fight anymore even if I wanted to. But hey! I have a bunch of gold now for reaching level 17! WOOT Sooo I bought 10 q1 guns and will

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Russia Resumes Attack

18 Day 647, 09:04 Published in USA USA

Yep, its true. We've been screwed over again by the admins. The Russian assault on Oklahoma, which should have never started due to bugs, has been resumed by the adminsWTFWTFWTF!!! Heres the battle:

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PEACE with Indonesia!

8 Day 644, 16:37 Published in USA USA

Indonesia has just declared peace in the war vs. the USA. Their congress pushed it through with a vote of 13 for ; 6 against. This effectively eliminates Indonesia from both Russia's and Portugal's MPP, which is interesting because Indonesia

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