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Civil War funds

44 Day 5,323, 12:15 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Patriots,

We are declaring war!!! The failed establishment has failed us. They must be defeated. They are making us a laughingstock. They are ruining our democracy and pride. They benefit while we suffer. They silence us but we fight back.

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The Failed Establishment

23 Day 5,322, 16:26 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Patriots,

We are declaring war!!! The failed establishment has failed us.They must be defeated. They are making us a laughingstock.They are ruining our democracy and pride. They benefit while we suffer. They silence us but we fight back.

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Declaration of war

25 Day 5,322, 09:13 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Patriots,

We are declaring war!!! We gave peace a chance but boredom is affecting us all. So today I commander Tef1 declare war on our enemy - boredom.

Lets go win.

Lets defeat the failed establishment of eSwitzerland.


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Should I be back?

11 Day 5,269, 14:48 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Patriots,

I am thinking to be back twice a week. Should I? Let me know.


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Rican stole it

37 Day 5,079, 17:42 Published in Switzerland Switzerland Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear Patriots,

Uncle Rican stole my CC and Food and refuses to give it to me back or distribute it to the needy. We must stop him.


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