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Parti Quebecois

9 Day 273, 08:59 Published in Canada Canada

In conclusion to the discussion of seperatism, the leaders of this movement in Quebec have been able to gather enough funds to create their own political party. Eric Boucher, along with Bruno Tremblay have formed the Parti Quebecois, the PQ.

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Mayor of Charlottetown

1 Day 272, 08:08 Published in Canada Canada

Hello All,
Just announcing that I'm running to be the mayor of Charlottetown. Obviously not such huge news cuz none of you live there 😛 but still, vote me up, and if you happen to live there as well, vote for me!

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The oppressed french in quebec!

20 Day 271, 17:06 Published in Canada Canada

Unfortunately, and obviously, there is a growing concern among the french community in quebec that is worried about the oppressive Canadian regime. I feel slightly disturbed at this, but what do I know?
Latro has proposed some very reasonable

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Response to Canadia Eh... article "The Solution to our Crisis"

9 Day 269, 07:39 Published in Canada Canada

I had been planning on simply commenting, but this is slightly long...
the link to the original article to which this is a response is:

Q1 trainers is simply a horrible idea. I havent been in the

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Peace and Love

12 Day 267, 15:20 Published in Canada Canada

There is a difference between expressing negative feelings towards an ally, and in putting a knife in their back.

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