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Charlottetown Mayor Policies ECONOMIC HEAVEN- EVERYONE READ!!!!!!!!! (avec version francais)

44 Day 275, 12:16 Published in Canada Canada

Hello Everyone. Charlottetown may not be the most populated region of Canada, in fact, it is one of the smallest. Despite this, several important business in Canadian society are located in Charlottetown, such as J&R (jennings and Rahl), and Gifts

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The Parti Quebecois, seperating from conventional politics

11 Day 275, 07:51 Published in Canada Canada

As we all know, the mayoral elections have come to a close. I am proud to announce that I am the mayor of Charlottetown, and I wish to thank all those who voted for me.

Other provinces, however, have been alleged to have party's whose tactics

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4 hours to go!

0 Day 274, 20:45 Published in Canada Canada

With less than 4 hours to go... 3hours 27 minutes to be exact, these are the elections results to date.
Very tight!

from CHAOS party 1 votes
from CSD party 4 votes
from CPP

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My run as mayor for CSD

1 Day 274, 15:36 Published in Canada Canada

I would just like to say two things about my movement to CSD prior to the elections. The controversy it may cause was apparent in Tony Stark's recent article.
Firstly, my move was not 'last minute', per say. There was plenty of time between the

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Last Call

3 Day 273, 20:47 Published in Canada Canada

Just for everyone who isn't aware, isn't very active, or just doesn't feel like paying a lot of attention. Mayoral elections are tomorrow, don't forget to vote. Remember, you're decision will affect you so don't just avoid clicking a button or two!

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