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To the Moose Mobile!

11 Day 1,700, 08:29 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

EPIC is dead. No two ways about it. Who killed it? The answer is simple enough Rolo and ourselves. But wait? Isn't the fact that Rolo PTO's you guys the reason why EPIC is dead? Yes and no, that was the start. What finished us of in the end

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[EPIC] Primary Results for Party President

23 Day 1,698, 08:10 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Well the results are in folks. Nicholas Boyce has the majority support of EPIC's active members. Once the votes closed I tallied the votes in two different ways to make sure there could be no argument about the votes legitimacy.

Here is the

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Well that was fun

6 Day 1,693, 04:22 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

As some of us now, my article on the layout of the lottery was taken down. Code-Y had warned me but I was confident everything would be fine. After all this is just another competition. No worse than competitions within an MU.

After all MU

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[MoL] A Minister of Lotteries?

9 Day 1,690, 16:49 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Well as you all know, Rylde was reelected; that is periphery to this article. Snow had appointed me his Minister of Leisure should he be elected. My duties were mainly to institute a lottery of sorts which would a) add some revenue and b) increase

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The Captains of Industry, why we are the best MU in eCanada

18 Day 1,684, 11:42 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The first thing going through many peoples heads right now is how can I justify calling our MU the best. We certainly aren't the largest, with only 78 members compared to the CAF's 264 or the Crimson Canucks 126. But we are a scrappy bunch!

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