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Presidential Interview - Artorius Perim

3 Day 1,658, 23:23 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

And here we have another interview! I am pleased to present another runner for the presidency, Artorius Perim!

Flagg: What are your short/long term goals for eCanada?

Perim: My main goal is ensuring I become President. I'm

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Presidential Interview - Nosyt

7 Day 1,656, 15:58 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Following up with my interview series, I conducted an interview with Nosyt. Here is what Nosyt had to say.

Flagg: What are your short/long term goals for eCanada?

Nosyt: In the short term I'd really like to jump-start a number

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Presidential Interview - Rylde

8 Day 1,656, 06:58 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

As promised, here is the text of the first interview with one of the Presidential candidates. Since Rylde was the first to respond to my requests, he gets first spot.

After deciding on a series of PM's to be the basis of the interview, I now

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This Week in Congress pt. 5

6 Day 1,655, 12:23 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Some Background Music

As many of you know, this past week has been full of activity, as any first week of congress ought to be, but instead the boat of congress, and yes, our country was … read more »

Presidential Interviews

5 Day 1,654, 07:28 Published in Canada Canada Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So as we all (hopefully) know, we will be electing (or re-electing) our president on Tuesday June 5th. As a result, many of the candidates will be publishing articles laying out their ideas and visions for eCanada. These articles will undoubtedly

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