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Putting a roof over your head

10 Day 2,681, 05:39 Published in Australia Australia Financial business Financial business

Continuing the bipolar articles that can't decide between silly and's serious subject is one that is near and dear to my heart - housing.

For those of you who have not yet … read more »

Profiling by liquor

20 Day 2,680, 20:28 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

In light of the empty media stream, I feel obliged to put an article out. Unfortunately I don't have time to do a thorough job, so please accept my humble apologies for the casual sexism and … read more »

The Classifieds - International Edition

6 Day 2,676, 07:08 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

G'day Americans! I came over for a holiday and couldn't help but notice the seriousness of all the media articles. You blokes need to loosen up some! Enjoy a blast from the past...


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The classifieds

8 Day 2,676, 03:54 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I've been on a run of serious articles recently. Time to put a stop to that! These ads paid for by generous sponsorship, in Australian Pounds...


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[DoEE] Where to invest your gold?

8 Day 2,674, 13:39 Published in Australia Australia Financial business Financial business

Inspired by my own unique combination of confusion and excitement, plus a conversation with DAMINK in the comments of an article earlier in the week, this article is an attempt to describe the various … read more »