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eFooty Tipping 2015 season - round 2

20 Day 2,696, 17:30 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Welcome to round 2 of the AFL season, and the second week of eFooty tipping. Those that played last week can skip ahead and put their tip in. For newcomers, read on!

How does it work? Endorse … read more »

eFooty Tipping 2015 season - round 1

10 Day 2,692, 02:30 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

So, to celebrate the opening round of our national game (even if it looks like the Village People in unnecessary short shorts), I present eFooty Tipping. I intend to run this article every Thursday … read more »

Dinner with the devil

57 Day 2,688, 17:13 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Recently, I took the opportunity to put a large number of questions to our resident dictator, XenthuS. Why waste my breath? Well, on honest reflection I realised I knew nothing about the man(?) who controls all our e-destinies. What better way to

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Contractor of the year awards

3 Day 2,683, 23:27 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

For those of you that don't know me (most of you...), I'm a (un)civil engineer. I've spent my entire life in the building and construction industry, mostly fixing other people's screw-ups. Every now and then, you come across other people that do

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Spring rush mission rewards

8 Day 2,683, 16:55 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The information in this article is shamelessly stolen from Swooshy's newspaper. It's also probably a bit … read more »