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The Gospel as revealed to the Profit, Pope Francis Zafka, praise be his name

Frank Zafka, Candidate for Congress: Pravda vítězí!

13 Day 854, 15:26 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic



I currently serve as the Minister of Communication, and we have made great strides in the ministry to not only provide immediate, accurate, and important information to the Czech people, but to put in place a process for

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The Truth Prevails: Pravda vítězí! Politics and Economy ENG/CZ

10 Day 850, 23:02 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Thank you for considering me, Frank Zafka, Minister of Communication and CEO of Stock Photo Investments for congress in Moravia. I am running on the Czech Socialist Party ticket. Today, I present to you my political and economic ideologies.

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Health and Human Services/Housing and Urban Development

4 Day 848, 23:37 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

The change of hospital rules has made healing far more difficult. We need quick and decisive action in order to ensure the health and quality of life the Czech people deserve. I propose we enact the creation of two new government ministries: Health

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Endorsement for Party President

7 Day 845, 12:39 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

The Chequered Eagle endorses the following candidates for Party President:

Jsem eCzech (Capitalist): Michal Markovsky -- a RL Czech, Michal has been instrumental in helping the current government to provide translation services for non-czech

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Ať žije Česko! Pravda vítězí! Frank Zafka For Congress! CZ

0 Day 844, 10:22 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Mí čeští spoluobčané,

Mé jméno je Frank Zafka a chtěl bych Vám oznámit můj úmysl kandidovat do kongresu v následujících volbách.


V současné době zastávám funkci Ministra komunikace, podařilo se nám udělat velké kroky kupředu nejen v

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