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The Gospel as revealed to the Profit, Pope Francis Zafka, praise be his name

E Republik Stock Exchange

3 Day 860, 21:29 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

The E Republic Stock Exchange, ErepX has gone live.

My company, Stock Photo Investments, has been valued by the Securities and Exchange Commission at 75g.

2000 shares have been issued at a price of .04g. Dividends will be paid bi-weekly.

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Hey, Congress... DO SOMETHING!!

9 Day 858, 20:09 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Hey, you.
Yeah, You.
Recent congressional winner in the Czech Republic, I'm talking directly to you.

I was just wondering, as a loyal, active, and patriotic eczech citizen, if any one of you newly elected congressman that came from other

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Withdrawal and WHO TO VOTE FOR!

3 Day 856, 12:36 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

For those who supported me in this election, thank you very much, but I must concede this election. If you were planning on voting for me, please don't. Instead put your support behind these candidates.

This is borrowed from Vit Ruzicka, a man

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RL Prague to Host Signing of Arms Deal

4 Day 855, 21:53 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

CNN: "The Czech government has agreed to host the signing of a new arms-control agreement between Russia and the United States in Prague once it is complete, a Czech Foreign Ministry spokesman told CNN."

Here in the eCzech Republic, we

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Ať žije Česko! Pravda vítězí! VOTE FRANK ZAFKA! CZ

2 Day 855, 10:09 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Ať žije Česko! Pravda vítězí! Frank Zafka For Congress! CZ

Mí čeští spoluobčané,

Mé jméno je Frank Zafka a chtěl bych Vám oznámit můj úmysl kandidovat do kongresu v následujících volbách.


V současné době zastávám funkci Ministra

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