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10 Day 376, 14:02 Published in Germany Germany

In accordance to the contract posted and SIGNED BY SHANE, CZECH PRESIDENT:

I declare that I ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT. Why? The Czech president has foolishly

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Anti-German actions by the Czech Republic

20 Day 375, 16:58 Published in Germany Germany

Clearly, relations between Germany and the Czech Republic are less than amiable:

It's no secret that the Czechs were against the German Liberation efforts based out

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Announcing creation of the Federal Ministry of the Interior + Defense Debate

24 Day 372, 12:33 Published in Germany Germany

In order to better carry out public projects and appropriations, I have created a new SO account- Bundesministerium des Inneren. This account will be in charge of handling government subsidizations of needed industry and the government-held defense

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First Congressional Agenda

7 Day 371, 20:05 Published in Germany Germany

Elections are nearly over, and as expected the Social Democrats have taken congress. Now that we have an actual government, some issues need immediate addressing:

- The Tax Rates. Currently, there is a 90% VAT tax on food. This

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Multiaccounting in Thuringia!

6 Day 367, 15:25 Published in Germany Germany

As you can see, user Black Ghost has at least 6 alts, 3 of which have been confirmed to have fought in Thuringia against Germany. If this is the case, how can we be certain he's not a hired Iranian … read more »