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Germany is in Rebellion! WE NEED YOUR HELP!

11 Day 417, 09:19 Published in Turkey Turkey

Turkish citizens and soldiers! Germany has launched a full scale rebellion against Sweden with the help of PEACE allied forces! But, we're losing in one of our most vital regions!

Germany needs brave, strong Turkish soldiers to move to Svealand (

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Germany Needs Help! We're Having a Revolution

21 Day 417, 09:18 Published in Iran Iran

Iranian citizens and soldiers! German has launched a full scale rebellion against Sweden with the help of PEACE allied forces! But, we're losing in one of our most vital regions!

Germany needs brave, strong Iranian soldiers to move to Svealand (

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Germany Condemns MSAP/Worker's Militia

4 Day 416, 15:37 Published in Sweden Sweden

On behalf of Germany, I formally condemn MSAP and the Worker's Militia for their failure to facilitate peace within Sweden. Their divisive politics and sabre-rattling is nothing but detrimental to the peace progress with regard to Sweden. I'm

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New Government; New Issues. When Will Sweden Address Germany?

15 Day 414, 18:34 Published in Sweden Sweden

We Germans have been waiting patiently for more info from Sweden about the fate of the rest of Germany. We even sent forward dialogue via Danny for the Swedish congress, but much to our dismay the thread lay dormant. So, I hope with this article I

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GDP Shoots Up after Saarland Reintegration

8 Day 410, 11:57 Published in Germany Germany

Yesterday, the GDP of Germany was around 500 or so gold. But, after Saarland was taken in the RW, the GDP is now 720 gold. This is thanks to many high quality companies and corporations in Saarland, and now that they've been reintegrated into the

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