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Five Months

1 Day 764, 19:12 Published in Ireland Ireland

I would like to extend my term in the Dail to 5 consecutive months. I am against war and alliances. I feel we have put forth too much effort to risk it all with war. I am supportive of the master plan. It seems we are finally doing things correctly.

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It's begining to look a lot like christmas...

1 Day 759, 23:22 Published in Ireland Ireland

And that means elections! Let the IUP bring our nation into the new year with your congressional vote. As of an hour or so ago I posted a party policy discussion, within the next few days expect a concise view that our party embraces. In the mean

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6 Days Left!

1 Day 757, 21:14 Published in Ireland Ireland

The IUP FREE lotto will be drawn in 6 days time. Right now if one were to sign up they would stand a very very good shot of winning. Less than 1 in 10 I believe. Why not give it a shot? 1 gold buys a decent bit of weapons for when we get the

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Irish Union Party Presidency

10 Day 754, 23:51 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hello folks. As it stands now I am running unopposed for the presidency of the IUP. Best 2 gold I ever spent other than the last time I spent 2 gold to run ha. Anyways here is a brief outline of the coming month as well as a recap of the previous

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IUP Leadership

6 Day 745, 20:23 Published in Ireland Ireland

For the past three months our fair enation has benefited under IUP governance. Patton has done a tremendous job the past 90 days. As have many citizens from a range of parties, be it in service to the Dail, or as cabinet ministers and deputies.

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