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IUP Presidency

5 Day 785, 23:06 Published in Ireland Ireland

I have been IUP president for 2 months. I learned from the best, Patton and Tarazis Sati. I respect my opponent Pato9 because he checked with me to see if I would run before he announced his candidacy. I didnt respond because I felt he deserved the

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Why I will vote for Edana Savage

17 Day 776, 17:26 Published in Ireland Ireland

Fast forward to the end if you dont want to read, but you should read ha.

With the general consent of the party I clicked the buttons that gave the IUP endorsement to Presidntial Candidate Edana Savage and Vice Presidntial Candidate Darragh O

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Starting the Night with a Guiness

2 Day 772, 16:08 Published in Ireland Ireland

Is there really a better way to do it?
Just writing to wish everyone a happy new year. and to waste time before I head out to begin my evening in earnest. I love this time of year. It is often so liberating to sigh in relief upon the realization

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I voted for Josiah

1 Day 766, 22:24 Published in Ireland Ireland

You should too. If you happen to catch this article before reset please move to the NorthWest and give him a vote and we can get him in the Dail. He deserves it. I will personally repay you the cost of the ticket and gifts to fix your wellness. 1

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IUP make your vote count!

1 Day 766, 14:13 Published in Ireland Ireland

Who needs your vote, and who doesn’t

Cork and Kerry
Lordo is good.

In Dublin, highonsnow needs 3 votes
Longbaugh is good
And I think Bryan quit?

In the Northeast

Octavius Dryst and Pdiddy are good
Gbariel Peddie needs 2 votes


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