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One flew east, One flew west,
One flew over the cuckoo's nest

The battle of Lion King - My first attempt at war journalism

11 Day 1,039, 11:18 Published in South Africa South Africa

Today the battlefield was set a light, much to do with China’s attack on Lioaning, one of the most important regions in the world, if not the most important region. While these battle are damage drainers, there is often is shock result where the

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The eerie silence of peace

1 Day 1,035, 12:40 Published in South Africa South Africa

As you would have noticed, the eWorld has being all too quite with very few wars around which has sparked some monotony in foreign affairs and some problems in the weapons industry but why has the being such a stalemate and is this the calm before

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It's time to fight

18 Day 1,013, 11:05 Published in South Africa South Africa

As everyone knows we have lost our country (at least the leadership of it) to Stadler and his Hungarians cronies and it's quite clear the admins aren't going to help us. But that doesn't mean we should give up, move to another country or quit the

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And the battlefield changes

5 Day 998, 06:10 Published in South Africa South Africa

As many have seen, Canada has invaded the UK, activating their MPP's against them. However a surprise to many is that Canada has successfully being able to invade the UK, capturing a few regions. In V1 this was not possible as they simply did not

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Do morals hold a place in erepublik

12 Day 996, 13:22 Published in South Africa South Africa

I was spurred on to write this article following the recent events that have occurred in erepublik though these type of events are a common place in this game. I'm sure many know of the hackings and the later actions by Poland as well as I guess you

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