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Who woke up HoeMarx ?

24 Day 881, 10:53 Published in Denmark Denmark

I have returned

Well, at least for the moment. Until I fully get my bearings, I can't grasp weather or not eRep is worth returning to. But one thing is clear, the situation is far from a danish utopia. So far in fact, … read more »

The realm of possibility (very short)

11 Day 715, 16:12 Published in Denmark Denmark

Alright so Karl Kastrup / CSman admitted to controlling 23 multiple accounts. Some people believe this, and some don't. But that's not what this article is about, this is about the twist of accusing me of being the master mind

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Hopefully final post

12 Day 713, 16:15 Published in Denmark Denmark

Disturbing events unveiled
For those of you who did not get the opportunity of reading the now deleted article from the citizen Karl Kastrup or CSManread more »

The Final Post

20 Day 706, 11:28 Published in Denmark Denmark

I have decided to quit playing eRepublik, the game has been extremely entertaining as long as it lasted, but boredom with the game has taken over. With this I leave all of eDeOread more »

eDanish values, a congressman's guide

11 Day 698, 15:21 Published in Denmark Denmark

eDanish values
Alright boys and girls, I'm writing this from my wonderful residence in Kyushu, eJapan.
Since the congressional elections are the next in the continues cycle of elections, I thought to make a short rundown of
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