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The newcomers

15 Day 617, 16:47 Published in Denmark Denmark

Alright, these guys are different, or at least if they aren't they really fooled me good. As always we are very protective when people come in groups, and for good reason. But the story is that Maaki invited me onto their chat channel, and she,

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The Danish Market - charts

2 Day 617, 04:39 Published in Denmark Denmark

These charts represent the price of products in denmark where there is competition. If prices are above the regression line, they are to expensive, short and simple. The scatterplots also show us where the price of non existent quality should be

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The New Congress - only 35% danish [UpDated]

26 Day 614, 15:09 Published in Denmark Denmark

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Why you should NOT vote for me

6 Day 611, 08:31 Published in Denmark Denmark

1) I’m always drunk, so I’m only online when my head is pounding and I project my physical pain upon the helpless idiots of eRep.
2) The only thing that matters to me is money, money, money......oh yeah, and big ass tits soaked in whisky.
3) I

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If you're not a dane...

17 Day 610, 03:28 Published in Denmark Denmark

...this article won't matter to you.

Hey igen drenge og piger.....nå.....yes, kun drenge jo. Jeg holder strandfest denne fredag på bellevue, ikke noget vildt, bare en 15 mennesker, en flok grillsteder og en årsproduktion af øl.
Hvis folk er

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