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Congress and Forums

2 Day 404, 22:38 Published in Canada Canada

Two things that I'd like to address in this article:

First off, I'd like to clear everything up about the forums. I'd like to, but I can't. We can only speculate about what happened. The important thing is that they're up and running: [url=http://

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New Congressmen: Forums and Procedures

6 Day 402, 10:25 Published in Canada Canada

To all new congressmen:

There have been some problems with procedures in the past term. Therefore, I would like all congressmen to be registered at the eCanadian forums and post in the sign up thread to

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People of Yellowknife (and eCanada)!

7 Day 398, 09:25 Published in Canada Canada

This is a little article that is going to attempt to summarise this month's congressional elections. It is also going to outline why I think the Canadian Social Democrats are the best choice:

The System
For those of you who don't know how

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Canadian Social Democrats: An Endorsement

6 Day 384, 17:26 Published in Canada Canada

I, as the party's vice-leader, hereby endorse Zanalan for the party presidency. Under Zanalan, the CSD has had a very successful term, winning a majority in congress and giving Tom a good run for his money in the presidential elections. Thank you

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Pre-Presidential Farce

20 Day 376, 13:23 Published in Canada Canada

The presidential elections are heating up and this month promises to bring suspense and drama (the latter is already here). Let's take a moment to introduce the candidates:

The incumbent Prime Minister, Tantis of the Canadian Progressive Front (

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