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Presidential Election: Part II

18 Day 435, 10:17 Published in Canada Canada

I have decided to dedicate this article to the opinions of some prominent Canadians and what they have to say about this election. First, however, let's take a look at the polls:

Zanalan, 35%
Bruck, 27%
Derakor, 19%
Other, 17%

As you can

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Presidential Election Coverage

25 Day 433, 08:59 Published in Canada Canada

Hello eCanadians! This article marks the beginning of Slavia's coverage of the presidential elections for February.

First of all, I'd like to congratulate all congressmen, new and old who managed to get (re)elected. To new congressmen: please

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Congress Presentation

4 Day 426, 22:59 Published in Canada Canada

I'm not going to dwell on this long, nor am I going to let it become nonsensical rhetoric. I'm going to divide my platform into two simple parts- "What I've Done" and "What I Stand For".

What I've done

* I've served as a congressman in

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Dominik's Platform

6 Day 420, 18:22 Published in Canada Canada

A Dominik CS😨 Openness and Activity

After letting the last party elections pass without my participation, I’ve decided to run for president of the great Canadian Social Democrats again this term. I am an experienced player joining eRepublik over

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CSD Party Elections: Dominik's Platform

5 Day 417, 13:22 Published in Canada Canada

A Dominik CS😨 Openness and Activity

After letting the last party elections pass without my participation, I’ve decided to run for president of the great Canadian Social Democrats again this term. I am an experienced player joining eRepublik over

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