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The future is in your hands !!!

5 Day 1,963, 05:10 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello eSouth Africa.
Today is a big day, a day when the future of the country can be decided.

We can choоse the good or the bad thing, we can choоse a bright future or a terrible one. That is up to you...
I can only advice you, and that is

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Natural enemy or Inside enemy ?

71 Day 1,933, 12:28 Published in South Africa South Africa Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Are you that much ignorant or are you just spiteful?

Yesterday i proposed a new law, I proposed NE to Brazil because they proposed NE to us, too. So, to prevent from being a step behind, I quickly proposed NE and I think I made the right decision.

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11 Day 1,925, 10:09 Published in South Africa South Africa First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

So, now i'm gonna present you some news from the war field..
credits to my frien😛 ilijades

As you maybe heard or saw the admins are making changes to the war module, after the Map this is the second change that has been read more »

Конгресменска статија за Молдавија. Congress article about Moldova.

1 Day 1,809, 15:07 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Здраво, сега на кратко ќе ви ги претставам последните избори во Молдавија за конгресмени.

Па како што можете [url= more »

Интервју со новиот ЦП на Молдавија/ Interview with the new CP of Moldova

20 Day 1,801, 08:02 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Јас како амбасадор во Република Молдавија ве известувам за последната промена на власта во Молдавија и воедно ви презентирам интервју со новиот претседател.

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