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Malaka or Malacca?

12 Day 616, 01:00 Published in Greece Greece

Hey guess what! There is a city in Malaysia called Malacca! LOL! So funny.
Link to Prove it:
Above is a picture of Malacca...

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10 Day 612, 01:13 Published in Greece Greece

Hey guys,
Due to popular demand, I am leaving eGreece. Whether my absence will be permenant or temporary, I do not know. My decision was the appex of events this week...
List of Major Happenings for me this Week:
1. I was happy because of HPC

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15 Day 583, 20:14 Published in Greece Greece

Dear Friends,

I wanted to let everyone know that I am taking into consideration leaving eGreece. It is not a final decision yet, but I am definetly considering it. I believe that I have given a lot to eGreece, and I would like to give more, yet

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Prevent a Takeover

3 Day 571, 21:40 Published in Greece Greece

I will be brief because I am currently in the middle of something... Please vote for me for GIP PP, not just because of my credentials, but to prevent a TO. There are several other people running and none of them are eGreek. Thank you.

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Anthonios for GIP Party President

8 Day 567, 09:01 Published in Greece Greece

Dear Readers,

I am happy to inform you that I am running for GIP Party President. I want the GIP to become stronger, and have a solid base. I want to transform the party into something new, a party that has an identity which represents its

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