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PP of HPC. Now what?

12 Day 666, 06:53 Published in Greece Greece

Now it's time to decide! I'm figuring I'll make the big change(or not) on either Saturday or Sunday. To make this change, I'm going to need input from people and what THEY want. Feel free to PM me! For a more efficient way of contacting me,

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Anthonios for HPC PP!

7 Day 663, 21:31 Published in Greece Greece

I've been thinking these past few days about HPC. I asked myself "How can HPC grow" and "what kind of people does the HPC attract?".
The answer is that HPC doesn't attract ANYONE, and it hasn't been growing. The

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What to do?

7 Day 662, 19:01 Published in Greece Greece

I've been thinking these past few days about HPC. I asked myself "How can HPC grow" and "what kind of people does the HPC attract?".
The answer is that HPC doesn't attract ANYONE, and it hasn't been growing.

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Constantinople NOT Istanbul

19 Day 643, 16:58 Published in Greece Greece

Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Now it's Turkish delight on a moonlit night

Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you've a date in

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Treca for Congress

5 Day 641, 14:12 Published in Greece Greece

eGreece Civilians, I am among you.
I have a sense of belonging, a sense of importance which I have never felt on the eWorld before. Why do I have such a sense? I have it because I know that we are succeeding when many other countries, former allies,

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