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Employee needed.

2 Day 202, 04:28 Published in Sweden Sweden

Every citizen is very welcomed to join brand new tourist company Neckermann.
If you are not skilled in moving - dont worry, you will have opportunity to practise. Are you skilled in housing, but there are no offers on the market? Do you wanna

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Everyday work

1 Day 201, 05:09 Published in Sweden Sweden

Praca organiczna, wzmacnianie swojej pozycji ekonomicznej, wykorzystanie dostępu do niemieckiego rynku - taki program proponuje dla nas, Polaków.
Im silniejsi będziemy ekonomicznie, tym bardziej będa się z nami liczyc, nie damy się zmarginalizowac.

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5 Day 200, 00:35 Published in Sweden Sweden

Koledzy, przycjaciele Polacy.

Niemcy jak zwykle okazali się podstpnymi zerami, atakując nas podczas zawieszenia broni.
O kolaboracji z okupantem nie może byc mowy, naszym celem musi byc przygotowanie powstania.
Kiedy wkrótce w erepublik

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Thank you

2 Day 200, 00:24 Published in Sweden Sweden

Thank you, all the heroes, volunteers, soldiers, that were fighitng for Poland.
We wasn't defeated in fair battle, we were defeated by trick, falsehood, during the ceasefire agreement.
Thank you Zhuge Liang, you were able to resist against

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German=no honour

5 Day 199, 07:26 Published in Sweden Sweden

"Please stop fighting at the moment we are talking about peace." with these words of DKN - German president, started a talks about peace. The ceasefire agreement was announced by german president and the leader of Polish army, our Fileld Marshal.

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