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warunki kapitulacji(?)

0 Day 198, 15:09 Published in Sweden Sweden

Koledzy, rodacy, Polacy w eRepublik.

Niemiecka agresja spowodowała długotrwałą wojnę, w której niestety - pomimo ogromnej dzielnosci i poświęcenia - przybrała dla nas tak niekorzystny obrót, że obecnie bronimi się jedynie w Małopolsce.

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When the war ends?

12 Day 192, 02:19 Published in Sweden Sweden

We havn't managed to march into Berlin, but our efforts have been not wasted.

Now, Germany see, that it is not a joke, that who starts the war, can alos loose it. Can also loose its own teritory.

Germany has lost their chance for "Blitzkireg",

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To Berlin

10 Day 191, 08:47 Published in Sweden Sweden

After the collapse of Wehrmacht in the East the armies of allies are approaching greman land.

Step by step into the heart of Reich.

Take a part in the most historic event of Erepublik, take a part in the storm of Berlin!
Have you watched

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Na Berlin!

4 Day 191, 06:53 Published in Sweden Sweden

Teutoński agresor zostanie ukarany!
Rodacy, ruszamy na Berlin!
Polska flaga załopocze nad Bramą Brandenburską!

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Obywatele bez broni pomagajÄ… inaczej

1 Day 190, 20:07 Published in Sweden Sweden

Please, citizens without weapon don't go to batllefied, leave it to professional soldiers, if you one help, help with you money, money is what we need more than civilians on the field.

Obywatele bez broni są proszeni do nie wchodzenia na pole

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